New Drugs for Gout and Ulcerative Colitis
New drugs for gout and ulcerative colitis, two diseases that plague millions of people worldwide have been found.
Identifying the Signs of Breast Cancer
The early stages of breast cancer may not have any symptoms. That is why you must learn how to identify the signs of breast cancer before it's too late!
Full Body Detox
Lose 10 - 50lbs in 3 week with detox!
Do I Have Healthy Prostate Gland?
Don't wait until it's too late! Make sure you have healthy prostate gland.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Mesothelioma -- An Introduction

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer disease, in which cells of mesothelium (tissue that surrounds lungs, stomach, heart and other organs) become abnormal (keep growing out of control.) They can crowd out of normal cells and damage nearby tissues and organs, and even spread to other parts of body.

The major risk factor for mesothelioma is asbestos exposure at workplace. Asbestos is a common form of magnesium silicate, which was used in various construction products such as cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, fireproofing; textiles, and electrical insulation. Tiny particles of asbestos will float easily in the air during the manufacturing process. If breathed in, those particles of asbestos may damage the cells in lungs and lead to pleural mesothelioma (pleura is membrane that surrounds lungs and chest cavity). If swallowed, they can lead to peritoneal mesothelioma (peritoneum is tissue that covers abdominal cavity organs). However, some reports show that individuals without any exposure to asbestos are also can suffer from mesothelioma. So far, there hasn’t been a proof that smoking will increase the risk of mesothelioma, but it may worsen the respiratory system and may increase the risk of developing lung cancer.

Mesothelioma can be prevented by avoiding contact with asbestos in homes, public buildings and at workplace. People work in asbestos mines and mills, producers of asbestos products, construction industries, electrical insulation, workers in the heating and other trades people should wear personal protective equipment to lower the risk of exposure. While for protecting their family members who live together with them, the workers are suggested to shower or at least change their clothing to get rid of asbestos dust which can easily stick on hands, legs, hairs and cloth.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Walking for Your Health

Walking is the easiest way of exercise because it is accessible at anyplace, anywhere and anytime. Several studies show that walking can:

  • reduce high cholesterol and improve blood lipid profile
  • reduce body fat
  • enhance mental well being
  • increase bone density, hence helping to prevent osteoporosis
  • reduce the risk of cancer of the colon
  • reduce the risk of non insulin dependant diabetes
  • help to control body weight
  • help osteoarthritis
  • help flexibility and co-ordination hence reducing the risk of falls

Although walking can reduce body fat for weight loss purpose, it is actually not an effective option of exercise, because it doesn’t burn lots of calories and only bring small increase in metabolism. In fact, you will have to walk for hours everyday if you want to burn fat! High intensity cardiovascular or aerobic exercise 2-3 times a week will be much more effective in burning off the excess body fat or losing weight.

Walking is more effective if maintaining or controlling your body weight. Walking at a faster pace can help improving cardiovascular function and fitness level, while walking at a slower pace can help building up endurance because of longer exercise time. In this case, speed and distance does matter. The faster and the further a person walks, the more calories he will use. So, what to do now? Depends on your goals, if you want to lose weight and love walking, you can combine them together in your exercise schedule, 2-3 times a week for high intensity cardio or aerobic exercise and 2-3 times a week walking with your family, and make sure be free one or two days. If you want to reduce risk of diseases or maintaining body weight / health, walking 2-3 times a week will help.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Health Benefits of Tea

Tea: It Does the Body Good

Studies that support the health benefits of tea drinking keep filling the headlines. There’s simply no denying that a daily spot of tea does the body good.

Even though researchers can’t quite agree on every aspect, I’m sold on the fact that a few cups a day will do its best to protect me from heart disease, a stroke, cancer, and more.

What Makes Tea Good for the Body?

Tea contains high levels of antioxidants, some of which are called polyphenols, flavonoids, and catechins, and all of which take on the “free radicals” in the body and prevent them from harming the healthy cells on board.

In other words, sending in antioxidants is disease prevention in its finest form. Antioxidants are ready and waiting not only in teas but also in several fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats, and even wines (see my health benefits of wine article).

If that were not enough, tea also contains flouride which benefits your teeth and has bacteria killing properties which helps control bad breath and the formation of plaque.

Are All Teas Equally Good for the Body?

This is a question researchers are still squabbling over. Does green tea have more antioxidants than black tea? Should I drink instant tea or loose leaf tea for better health benefits? Is hot tea better than iced tea? And here’s what it comes down to:

  • Higher quality teas may have more catechin antioxidants than lower quality teas.
  • White tea has more antioxidants than any other tea.
  • Green tea has more catechin antioxidants than black tea since black tea goes through more processing.
  • Unfermented rooibos tea has more polyphenol antioxidants than fermented rooibos.
  • Freshly brewed teas have more polyphenol antioxidants than instant or bottled teas.
  • More researchers seem to agree that brewed (cold or hot) or caffeinated tea has more antioxidants than instant teas.

Here’s a short preview of the hundreds of recent studies that boast the health benefits of tea and its antioxidants:

Heart Benefits:

  • Study finds tea drinkers have lower blood pressure (Archives of Internal Medicine, 2004).
  • Tea may lower cholesterol and protect against heart disease (Journal of Nutrition, 2003).
  • Black tea may lower “bad” cholesterol (United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, 2003).
  • Tea consumption may help heart disease patients (Circulation: The Journal of the American Heart Association, 2001).

Cancer Prevention:

  • Green tea could help stem esophageal cancer. (Harvard Medical School, 2004).
  • Green and black tea can slow down the spread of prostate cancer (Center for Human Nutrition at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine, 2004).
  • Tea may protect against cancer caused by smoking. (Journal of Nutrition, 2003).
  • Green tea and white tea fight colon cancer (Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University study, Carcinogenesis, 2003).
  • Hot tea may lower risk of some skin cancers (University of Arizona study, Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention (Vol. 9, No. 7), 2001).
  • Green tea consumption may lower stomach cancer risk (University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Public Health study, International Journal of Cancer (Vol. 92: 600-604), 2001).

Hypertension-Reducing Benefits:

  • Green and oolong teas reduce risk of hypertension (National Cheng Kung University study, Archives of Internal Medicine, 2004).

Immunity-Boosting Benefits

  • Tea believed to boost the body’s defenses (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2003)

Leukemia-Fighting Benefits:

  • A green tea component helps kill leukemia cells (Mayo Clinic, 2004).

Alzheimer’s-Fighting Benefits:

  • Drinking tea might delay Alzheimer's Disease (Newcastle University's Medicinal Plant Research Centre study, Phytotherapy Research, 2004).

AIDS-Fighting Benefits:

  • Tea may play a role as an AIDS fighter (University of Tokyo, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2003).

In Conclusion:

So how do you get started in doing your body some good with tea?

To get the most health benefits out of your teas, choose high-quality loose leaf teas from your local or online tea shop. Brew it up and enjoy. And of course, don’t throw out the idea of enjoying instant or bottled teas when you’re on the go. You just might have to drink a little more.

Don’t wait any longer. Sip, savor, and fight disease today. It's never too late to enjoy the many health benefits of tea!

by Jason Ditto

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome

Millions of women experience symptoms of PMS every month. Crying spells, nervousness, anxiety, depression, bloating, headache, fatigue…The list goes on. Each woman is unique as to the degree of severity and discomfort she will experience and this will vary from month to month. One symptom common to many women, is an increase in appetite - food cravings. There is a strong urge to gobble chocolate, cheese, sweets or other goodies (usually not fresh veggies and steamed fish!).

Though the exact cause of PMS is unknown, hormonal changes such as estrogen levels appear to play a part. One report I read, revealed that many environmental estrogens such as those from toxic fumes, pesticides, pollutants and hormone fed cows infiltrate our body. These are often carcinogenic and compete with a woman's natural estrogen, resulting in estrogen overload. This may impair the woman's ovulation cycle causing the symptoms mentioned earlier.

There are some simple things you can do to help with your PMS symptoms, exercise and a healthy diet are chief among them.

Exercise lifts the mood. It reduces stress, tension and anxiety. By adding in a 30 minute brisk walk or other activity several times a week, you are ahead of the game! Stretching also helps the muscles relax. Try to stretch each day in the am and pm.

What you eat is a major factor in how you are going to feel. PMS may be helped by following the healthy diet of The Path. By eating whole natural foods you eliminate many of the problems associated with processed goods, fast foods etc. PMS symptoms tend to appear about 2 weeks before menstruation. This of course will vary from one individual to the next. During this time if you cut back on caffeine, alcohol, salt and sugar you can reduce the discomfort you'll experience. As a follower of the FatFallacy plan you will most likely be eating smaller portions of these items anyway and find your symptoms have lessened since following the lifestyle. If you still have uncomfortable PMS try to cut back a bit more on the salt and sugar. Up your intake of fresh veggies and lean proteins. Make sure you eat plenty of carbohydrates – like good grains to keep your serotoinin levels elevated.

At one time women were thought to be unstable when PMS occurred. Thank goodness science now recognizes that PMS is real and women experiencing it are not crazy! Eat a healthy diet and exercise to help relieve the symptoms. And don't forget to eat a little chocolate too. Just make sure you reach for the high quality bon-bon!

by Lee Mellott

Natural Remedies for Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms

More and more women are seeking natural alternative treatments for symptoms of menopause, for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most compelling reason for many is the association between conventional hormone replacement therapy and a number of serious health risks, including an increased risk of breast cancer and blood clots, although the link has by no means been proven, and the issue is currently the subject of serious debate among women’s health experts. Many women have experienced unpleasant side effects resulting from conventional HRT, including nausea, headaches and vaginal bleeding. Many women simply feel apprehensive at the thought of taking drugs which have been manufactured synthetically.

The whole notion of returning to old fashioned herbal treatments and folk remedies has a certain comforting, romantic appeal. Some of the herbal medicines which are being rediscovered have been used to treat a range of ailments for literally thousands of years. There is a commonly held belief that medicines derived from natural sources are necessarily free from the risk of negative side effects, harmful interactions and allergic reactions. This is simply not true. Whatever kind of medication you choose to take, it’s essential that you fully understand how it works, what dosage level is appropriate for you, and what objective research has been done on its effectiveness and its potential hazards. Your doctor is the best person to provide you with professional, individual advice and attention. Information you find online and in women’s health publications is a useful supplement to your doctor’s advice, and it’s wise to read as widely as you can to get an overall picture of the issues. Your health is the most important thing you have, and while you are free to make your own choices about treating menopause symptoms, it’s vital that you make these choices with your eyes open.

Most experts believe that all of the common symptoms of menopause are caused by the dramatic decline and fluctuations in the body’s levels of estrogen and to some extent progesterone, and the imbalance between them. Approaches to alleviating symptoms generally focus around restoring these hormone levels. Natural treatments are typically made from extracts of plants containing substances which are very similar to the estrogen and/or progesterone produced by the ovaries. The effectiveness of these treatments relies on the assumption that these phytoestrogens and plant progesterones have a similar effect in the body to the body’s own natural hormones. Some herbal treatments work by stimulating glands to produce natural hormones more effectively, rather than restoring the hormones artificially.

Another approach is to treat each symptom individually. There is a range of natural treatments which focus specifically on alleviating common symptoms such as hot flashes, depression, libido problems, vaginal dryness and fatigue.

Estrogen treatments.


By far the richest source of phytoestrogens (sometimes called “isoflavones”) is soybeans, and foods made from soy extracts. Soy can be consumed in the form of tofu, soy cheese, meat substitute products such as soy burgers, breads and muffins made with soy flour, and soy drinks, sometimes known as “soy milk”. Some studies have shown that consuming soy beverages or breads made with soy flour twice daily can reduce the severity or the number of hot flashes, but results have been inconclusive and inconsistent. Soy powders and pills contain much higher levels of phytoestrogens than soy foods, and may have a more significant effect in alleviating menopause symptoms than soy foods, but little is known about the potential hazards. Consuming soy extracts and soy foods may have a range of other health benefits, including reducing the risk of osteoporosis, cancer and heart disease, and lowering cholesterol. Some studies suggest that phytoestrogens may actually help to reduce the risk of breast cancer by blocking the overproduction of natural estrogen in the body.

Herbs containing phytoestrogens

Red clover has been used in Asia for thousands of years to treat skin conditions, asthma, bronchitis, kidney stones, joint disorders and breast inflammation. It is thought to work by improving circulation and stimulating urine and mucous production, or “purifying the blood”. Red clover has been recently discovered to contain high levels of phytoestrogens, and its usefulness in the treatment of menopause symptoms is being investigated. Some studies have shown the herb to be very effective in reducing hot flashes and improving bone density and strength, while others have been inconclusive.

Dong Quai is an important herb used in Chinese medicine, and has been used to treat PMS, menstrual irregularities and menopause symptoms for thousands of years, although its effectiveness has yet to be clinically verified by Western health practitioners. It is also believed to dilate blood vessels, and is used to treat high blood pressure and circulatory problems.

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is commonly believed to contain phytoestrogens, although clinical studies to confirm this have been far from conclusive. It is a perennial plant native to North America, and is also known as black snakeroot, bugbane, rattleroot and macrotys. The plant has a long history of usefulness as a medicinal treatment, first by Native American people and more recently by alternative health practitioners, and has been used to treat a range of gynecological ailments including menopause symptoms, infertility, inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, and to induce lactation, bring on menstruation, and alleviate labor pains. It has also been used to treat rheumatism, fever, coughs and colds, hives and backache. Some studies have shown that taking pills made from black cohosh extract is very helpful in providing short term relief from a range of menopause symptoms including hot flashes, depression, mood swings and anxiety. However, little is known about the effects of taking the treatment in the long term, and some negative side effects have been reported, including headaches, stomach and gastric discomfort and weight gain.


Peruvian Maca root is believed to work by stimulating glands in the body to produce their own estrogen and testosterone. Maca has been cultivated in the Andes region for perhaps thousands of years, and has been used as a treatment to increase energy, enhance libido and increase fertility. Maca root is claimed to provide a range of benefits, including alleviating PMS symptoms, reducing depression and stress, increasing athletic ability and creating a general sense of well being. It is also claimed to be effective in treating a wide range of menopausal symptoms, including mood swings, depression, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, hot flashes, reduced libido, sleep disturbances and breast tenderness. Objective clinical research into the effectiveness and the potential hazards of taking Maca root supplements is very scant.

Progesterone treatments.

An alternative view of the causes of menopause symptoms places more emphasis on the role of progesterone, and the imbalance between progesterone and estrogen. “Estrogen dominance” is a recently identified syndrome, and is believed by a small number of doctors to be the cause of severe PMS and menstrual problems in early adulthood, and a range of severe symptoms as menopause approaches. Advocates of progesterone treatments believe them to be free from the health risks and side effects associated with estrogen based treatments.

Natural progesterone cream

Natural progesterone creams usually contain extracts from Mexican wild yam, which contains a substance which is believed to be similar to the progesterone produced in the body. The creams are applied to the parts of the body where the skin is thinner, such as the breasts, inner thighs, inner forearms or stomach, and are believed to pass through the skin and circulate through the body. Many women have found natural progesterone creams to be very effective in treating menopause symptoms, but there is no evidence to show that the creams lower the risk of breast and uterine cancer, or are free from the risk of side effects as is sometimes claimed.

Chaste tree berry

Chaste tree berry, sometimes known as Chasteberry or Vitex agnus castus has been used since ancient Greek times to treat a range of ailments. It is believed to stimulate the production of progesterone, and has been shown to be very effective in alleviating severe PMS and a range of menopausal symptoms.

by Lynn Donn

Five Easy Ways to Reduce Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea, is recognized as the single greatest cause of lost school and working hours among women which is estimated at 140 million hours annually in the United States alone.

Unlike before, menstrual cramps is now considered as a serious medical condition. Thus, in addition to the usual home remedies of dysmenorrhea, health experts and practitioners alike are giving some helpful tips that can help women during that particular painful time every month. Here are some that we have listed just for you.

1.Try an over the counter Ibuprofen. It can be found as the active ingredient in several OTC medications, such as Advil, Nuprin, and Motrin IB. The OTC dose per pill is 200 milligrams. The recommended dose is one tablet every four to six hours (or two, if one does not work), not to exceed six in a 24-hour period. Prescription formulations come in dosages of 400 to 800 milligrams.

2.Try taking an oral contraceptive. Oral contraceptive pills can be quite useful in treating menstrual cramps because they decrease the amount of menstrual tissue formed and lower the pain level (amplitude) of the uterine contractions probably due to their progestin effect.

3.Try an over the counter mefenamic acid. Mefenamic acid effectively relieves severe menstrual pain while also reducing heavy menstrual bleeding, easing menstrual migraine, and easing the physical and emotional symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

4.Try to eat small frequent meals because a lot of food causes blood sugar to swing up and down causing symptoms of PMS. Instead of eating three large meals, eat five or six small meals a day, about two and a half hours apart.

5.Exercise can help alleviate painful menstrual cramps by raising the level of beta-endorphins, chemicals in the brain associated with pain relief. Exercise raises the levels of beta endorphins, which have a positive effect on mood and behavior.

6.Reduce salt intake to prevent water retention that causes bloating. Likewise, avoid liquor and other alcoholic beverages to reduce headaches.

7.Learn to relax. Rest, sleep and relaxation exercises can help reduce the pain and discomfort of menstrual cramps. At least take time for a relaxing massage or bath with oil made with chamomile, lavender, marjoram, ginger and/or clary sage. They are aromatic and can aid in relaxation.

8.Visit your health care provider if excessive pain and cramping persists.

Do not live in pain. So next time a painful menstruation strikes, try these simple tips.

by Alex Sharp

Low-Carb Dieting During Pregnancy May Benefit Your Baby!

As low-carb dieters change there eating habits, it is likely that these habits will stay with them. There is no surprise then that more and more pregnant woman are trying to maintain there low-carb routine during the months of pregnancy. There are new studies being done on low-carb dieting that point to the fat that there may be benefits in the long run for children of low-carb dieting.

Scientists from the Southampton School of Medicine have used mice to study the benefits of low-carb diets during gestation. It was found that pups born to mice fed a high-unsaturated protein and fat diet and low In carbohydrates were more likely to have low liver triglyceride levels that the pups born to mice fed a standard diet which was high-carb and low-fat. Low-carb pups also had higher amount of protein that help in burning fat than the pups that were on the standard diet.

The mother mice were put on either the low-carb diet or the high-carb/low fat diets six weeks prior to being impregnated and stayed on the diets throughout there entire pregnancy as well as the duration of nursing. Post weaning all pups were fed the same high-carb diet, despite this fact, the pups born to the low-carb mothers were found to have significantly greater levels of the hepatic proteins CD36, CPT-1 and PPARá, which help with fatty acid oxidation.

The mice on the low-carb diet ate about 21 percent less than the high-carb/low fat diet. These low-carb mothers also consumed about 57 percent fewer carbs, 23 percent more protein, and 153 percent more fat than the high-carb mothers.

Humans too need to maintain low levels of liver triglyceride and a good lipid (fat) metabolism. This will help reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. This disease alone kills thousands of Americans each year.

by Melissa White

Homemade Facial Mask Recipes

Today I am going to share homemade facial mask recipes, which you can prepare easily within minutes and the best is: it won’t cost you much!

Have you ever calculate how much money you have spent for beauty purpose in a month or a year? $200? $500? or maybe $1000 or more? Maybe it's time for you to stop wasting too much money by trying some cheaper beauty products which also will bring you the same results (or even more) compare with those expensive ones.

Normal, combination skin, oily and blemished skin
Mix one egg white, 1/2 cup cooked instant oatmeal, a teaspoon olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice until smooth. Spread on your face and neck, leave on for 15 – 30 min then rinse with lukewarm water. Few drops lemon juice will help to reduce blackheads while egg white will leave your skin feel “tight” after this mask application.

Dry skin
Mix one egg yolk, a teaspoon honey and a teaspoon olive oil and some vitamin E oil. Spread over your face and neck, leave on for 15 – 30 min then rinse in lukewarm water. You can add more olive oil if you still feel dry on your skin.

Dry and spotted skin

Mix dry oatmeal (you may grind it in a blender), honey and plain yogurt to make a paste. Spread it over your face and neck, leave on 15 – 30 min then rinse with lukewarm water. You may add a little salt and olive oil to make an exfoliating mask or scrub for your body dry skin area.

Chosing Organic for Health

We come from a society where growing organic and just growing produce and livestock for food was once one and the same. Small, family farms still grow their own food using traditional methods passed down through the generations. As commercial farming became big-business, however, growers and farmers started to investigate methods of increasing crops and building bigger livestock in order to increase their profits. This led to increased use of pesticides and drugs to enhance yield.

In this article, we will look at what is required in order to call a product organic, how choosing organic eating and farming impact the environment and our health, discuss the benefits of eating organic foods, and what research says about the nutritional benefits of organically-grown produce.

Calling it "Organic"

In 1995, the US National Organic Standards Board passed the definition of 'organic', which is a labeling term denoting products produced under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act. It states, "Organic agriculture is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain, and enhance ecological harmony."

The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals, and people.

The philosophy of organic production of livestock is to provide conditions that meet the health needs and natural behavior of the animal. Organic livestock must be given access to the outdoors, fresh air, water, sunshine, grass and pasture, and are fed 100% organic feed. They must not be given or fed hormones, antibiotics or other animal drugs in their feed. If an animal gets sick and needs antibiotics, they cannot be considered organic. Feeding of animal parts of any kind to ruminants that, by nature, eat a vegetarian diet, is also prohibited. Thus, no animal byproducts of any sort are incorporated in organic feed at any time.

Because farmers must keep extensive records as part of their farming and handling plans in order to be certified organic, one is always able to trace the animal from birth to market of the meat. When meat is labeled as organic, this means that 100% of that product is organic.

Although organic crops must be produced without the use of pesticides, it is estimated that between 10-25% of organic fruits and vegetables contain some residues of synthetic pesticides. This is because of the influence of rain, air and polluted water sources. In order to qualify as 'organic', crops must be grown on soil free of prohibited substances for three years before harvest. Until then, they cannot be called organic.

When pests get out of balance and traditional organic methods don't work for pest control, farmers can request permission to use other products that are considered low risk by the National Organic Standards Board.

The Environment

According to the 15-year study, "Farming Systems Trial", organic soils have higher microbial content, making for healthier soils and plants. This study concluded that organically grown foods are raised in soils that have better physical structure, provide better drainage, may support higher microbial activity, and in years of drought, organic systems may possibly outperform conventional systems. So, organic growing may help feed more people in our future!

What is the cost of conventional farming, today? The above-mentioned 15 -year study showed that conventional farming uses 50% more energy than organic farming. In one report, it was estimated that only 0.1% of applied pesticides actually reach the targets, leaving most of the pesticide, 99.9%, to impact the environment. Multiple investigations have shown that our water supplies, both in rivers and area tap waters, are showing high levels of pesticides and antibiotics used in farming practices. Water samples taken from the Ohio River as well as area tap water contained trace amounts of penicillin, tetracycline and vancomycin.

Toxic chemicals are contaminating groundwater on every inhabited continent, endangering the world's most valuable supplies of freshwater, according to a Worldwatch paper, Deep Trouble: The Hidden Threat of Groundwater Pollution. Calling for a systemic overhaul of manufacturing and industrial agriculture, the paper notes that several water utilities in Germany now pay farmers to switch to organic operations because this costs less than removing farm chemicals from water supplies.

What About our Health?

Eating organic food is not a fad. As people become more informed and aware, they are taking steps to ensure their health. US sales of organic food totaled 5.4 billion dollars in 1998, but was up to 7.8 billion dollars in the year 2000. The 2004 Whole Foods Market Organic Foods Trend Tracker survey found that 27% of Americans are eating more organic foods than they did a year ago.

A study conducted by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation reports that the number of people poisoned by drifting pesticides increased by 20% during 2000.

A rise in interest and concern for the use of pesticides in food resulted in the passage of the 1996 Food Quality Protection Act, directing the US EPA to reassess the usage and impact of pesticides for food use.

Particular attention was paid to the impact on children and infants, whose lower body weights and higher consumption of food per body weight present higher exposure to any risks associated with pesticide residues.

Publishing an update to its 1999 report on food safety, the Consumers Union in May 2000 reiterated that pesticide residues in foods children eat every day often exceed safe levels. The update found high levels of pesticide residues on winter squash, peaches, apples, grapes, pears, green beans, spinach, strawberries, and cantaloupe. The Consumers Union urged consumers to consider buying organically grown varieties, particularly of these fruits and vegetables.

The most common class of pesticide in the US is organophosphates (OP's). These are known as neurotoxins.

An article published in 2002 examined the urine concentration of OP residues in 2-5 year olds. Researchers found, on average, that children eating conventionally grown food showed an 8.5 times higher amount of OP residue in their urine than those eating organic food. Studies have also shown harmful effects on fetal growth, as well.

Pesticides are not the only threat, however. 70% of all antibiotics in the US are used to fatten up livestock, today. Farm animals receive 24.6 million pounds of antibiotics per year!

Public health authorities now link low-level antibiotic use in livestock to greater numbers of people contracting infections that resist treatment with the same drugs. The American Medical Association adopted a resolution in June of 2001, opposing the use of sub-therapeutic levels of antibiotics in agriculture and the World Health Organization, in its 2001 report, urged farmers to stop using antibiotics for growth promotion. Studies are finding the same antibiotic resistant bacteria in the intestines of consumers that develop in commercial meats and poultry.

Is it More Nutritious?

Until recently, there had been little evidence that organically grown produce was higher in nutrients. It's long been held that healthier soils would produce a product higher in nutritional quality, but there was never the science to support this belief. Everyone agrees that organic foods taste better.

In 2001, nutrition specialist Virginia Worthington published her review of 41 published studies comparing the nutritional values of organic and conventionally grown fruits, vegetables and grains. What she found was that organically grown crops provided 17% more vitamin C, 21% more iron, 29% more magnesium, and 13.6% more phosphorus than conventionally grown products. She noted that five servings of organic vegetables provided the recommended daily intake of vitamin C for men and women, while their conventional counterparts did not. Today there are more studies that show the same results that Ms. Worthington concluded.

Considering the health benefits of eating organic foods, along with the knowledge of how conventionally grown and raised food is impacting the planet should be enough to consider paying greater attention to eating organic, today. Since most people buy their food in local supermarkets, it's good news that more and more markets are providing natural and organic foods in their stores. Findings from a survey by Supermarket News showed that 61% of consumers now buy their organic foods in supermarkets. More communities and health agencies also are working to set up more farmer's markets for their communities, also, which brings more organic, locally grown foods to the consumer. The next time you go shopping, consider investigating organic choices to see if it's indeed worth the change!

by Marjorie Geiser

10 Fun & Frugal Beauty Tips

I'm ready to unload some the best secrets and tips that even your salon professionals use. Of course they would like for you to buy their products and will tell you they are the best in order to make the sale, but I'm pretty sure they're not being honest in telling you what products are really on the backbar in their salons.

As a frugal person myself, I've always shared my secrets with my clients. I earn my living selling my services, not products. Here a few for you to enjoy!

1. To dry nail polish in a hurry, spray nails with PAM Oil Spray.

2. Olive oil can be added to bath water for a skin softener.

3. Toner/Astringent -- Use witch hazel instead. No need to dilute -- use full strength. You can also rinse with a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar after cleansing -- it balances out the ph of your skin.

4. Cut back on the amount of shampoo you use. Do the same with toothpaste. The manufacturers want us to use more, so we buy more.

5. Keep your pantyhose in the freezer, and they will last longer.

6. For great lotion, mix one-part lotion with one-part vaseline. It works better than plain lotion, and, depending on the cost of your lotion, you can stretch its value.

7. To prevent hair pins from falling out, bend one prong in a "V" about halfway up and insert in hair. It will stay.

8. Old lipstick tubes, thoroughly cleaned, are great for purse-sized pill boxes or for pins.

9. Use hydrogen peroxide as an inexpensive nail bleach.

10. For an excellent facial, mix dry oatmeal and water into a paste and spread on face. Lie down and let it dry. Wash off with warm water.

by Melissa Eaton

Menopausal Symptoms

Common menopausal symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats and changes in menstruation, but there are many others.

The first thing to note about menopausal symptoms is that there is a surprisingly long list of them, and that no list is really comprehensive, because every woman experiences menopausal symptoms in an individual way. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, a decline in libido and changes in the menstrual cycle are very common menopausal symptoms, but there are many others. Some very fortunate women experience these symptoms only mildly, or not at all, while for others the menopause phase can prove a very challenging stage in life. If you are experiencing hot flashes, night sweats, depression, mood swings or changes in your menstrual cycle, and you’re a woman between the ages of about forty and sixty five, it’s likely that these symptoms are signaling the onset of menopause, but see your doctor for an individual, professional diagnosis. Your doctor is also the best person to talk to about what you can expect in the years to come, and the treatment options which are available to you should you need them.

A brief list of common menopausal symptoms.

Hot flashes, sometimes called hot flushes, is a term used to describe a sudden sensation of warmth in the face, chest and neck, which may be accompanied by redness in the skin, a pounding heartbeat and sweating. This may last only a few minutes, or up to half an hour. A chill or cold sweat may follow. Night sweats are associated with waking in the night with an increased body temperature, often with bedding and nightclothes drenched in sweat.

Emotional and mental symptoms are also very common, and can be very distressing. These may include mood swings, depression, irritability, difficulties in concentrating, mental confusion and memory problems.

A decline in libido is another very common menopause symptom. This may be exacerbated by vaginal dryness, and a thinning of the skin around the cervix, which can make intercourse uncomfortable.

by Lynn Donn

How to Change Your Conditioned Responses to Certain Foods

When trying to lose weight, there are certain foods that each person is more attracted to than other foods. Some find the morning cup of coffee quite addictive. To others it is bread. Many cannot have dinner in a restaurant without having an alcoholic beverage. With me it was always something sweet.


A good first step is to tally the number of times you consume each category of food in a seven-day period. Then, after the next seven-day period, do it again. Making a list of foods such as bread, salad, starch, dessert, beverage, and alcohol is a good idea. You can compare each week with the previous to see if you are achieving some of your goals.

Addiction Model

You’re not only trying to lose weight and to feed the smaller person you are becoming, you are also trying to reverse the progression of the addiction model here. In a progressive addiction, the portion-size and frequency of usage keep escalating each time you build a tolerance for a particular food. The amount you need increases and the usage becomes more frequent. As you begin to lose weight, the portion-size of food and frequency-of-usage diminish in size, and number of hits.

Diminish Number of Times Each Day

The most frequently chosen items are bread, beverage, dessert, and alcohol. Some items may tally anywhere from zero to 15 and even 20, each week, or, anywhere from one to four times each day. If, for example, you choose any one item four times a day, cut it to three, then to two, then to once a day.

One of Four Or None

Strive to achieve having either Bread or Beverage or Dessert or Alcohol, picking only one of four or none per meal. If you are trying to eat a wide variety of foods, much of this will happen naturally.

Mental Repatterning

Talking to yourself is helpful as you choose each item less and less frequently. Think: “instead of another piece of bread, I’ll have a vegetable.” Or, “Instead of another cup of coffee, this time I’ll have a cup of hot water.” Remind yourself, hourly if necessary, “I want to weigh __________ pounds.” Remember some of the action steps you can take to help you get there. The moments do pass. A helpful goal: Be pro-active rather than re-active. If you weren’t thinking of an item two minutes before seeing it, you’re responding to a visual stimulus rather than an actual physical hunger.

Portion Size

Get rid of that oversized mug and pour your coffee into a regular-sized cup. Perhaps you’ll feel fine with a few segments of grapefruit; a few bites of coleslaw. As you lose weight and your stomach shrinks, you should be filling up sooner and will require less of everything than you did when you were a bigger person.

Pick One No-Coffee Day

As item usage diminishes to once a day, the next step might be to pick one no-coffee day and/or, one no-bread day and/or, one no-alcohol day and/or, one no- __________ day. (Fill in your most frequently chosen item.) Writing your intention into your agenda book (or calendar) will be a reminder of what you’re trying to accomplish. If there are many items you choose more than three, four, times each week, pick one at a time and practice not having it one day a week before moving on to the next item. For example, Sunday could be a No-Coffee Day, Wednesday a No-Bread Day, and so on.

No Multiples

Another technique to aim for is No Multiples – no second cup of coffee, no second drink, not another piece of bread after the first, and no second or third helpings, even if it is Thanksgiving. Remember, in a restaurant, you’d never say to the waiter: “Maurice, is there another chicken leg in the kitchen.”


As you lose weight and become smaller, your food requirements will be smaller, too. The next level would be to Skip-A-Day. If you had one category of food yesterday, don’t have it today. And if you have it today, don’t have it tomorrow. Skipping days will force you to seek more variety and ultimately lessen the hold some items have on you. Choosing any item three or four times a week works out well for most people, but for good health, red meat (beef) or cheese should be your choice no more than once a week.

If you are sensitive to refined flour most often found in bread and pasta, choosing it once every third or fourth day might work best. Choosing a baked potato, corn, or a yam every other day in lieu of pasta might be a better choice still.

Some days having a dark vegetable instead of another salad may be exactly what is needed and will help you achieve the Skip-A-Day suggestion.

If you select the same category of food every day, you’re eating it 365 days a year, and at the end of the year you’ll have eaten loaves of bread, vats of coffee, pounds of chocolate, gallons of soda, troughs of salad. By choosing these items every other day, you’re only having them 182 ½ times a year. That shows up as a noticeable loss of weight and inches. Choose an item every third or fourth day and the results will be obvious that much sooner. Choosing the same foods all the time cheats you out of valuable nutrients you’d find in a wider variety of food.


Shake it all up. If you have coffee at breakfast one morning, select it for lunch or dinner the next time, or not at all. This reduces your reliance on coffee to get you up in the morning. By Skipping and Scattering, you’ll get in the mind set of sometimes I have it, and sometimes I don’t. This helps prove that the opposite of “I love this food,” is not “hate,” but rather indifference.

* * * * *

When I drank alcohol regularly and frequented a restaurant near my apartment, the bartender actually knew my usual drink. I was embarrassed to know that someone was watching what I was eating and drinking, that my compulsive, ritual, behavior was noticed by someone else. More embarrassing was that the cashier in a local health and beauty aids shop knew my usual choice of candy.

I remember deciding to have a no-dessert (candy for me) day, and as I stood at the checkout counter, the cashier reached down to my favorite candy. He put the foil-wrapped bar on the counter, and said: “You forgot your candy.” I was so embarrassed that I meekly paid for it along with my other purchases and left the store. Charting these foods might show this type of behavior but it might also show that you’re not having enough salads, starches, or dark vegetables, and those items might need to be increased.

Yes, I ate the candy, but the next time – there’s always a next time – I had repatterned enough that I was able to leave the store sans unplanned food. I kept reminding myself (mental repatterning): “I’m not hungry, I only eat when I’m hungry, and besides, I want to weigh __________ pounds.

by Caryl Ehrlich

The History of Thai Food

Thai food is famous all over the world. Whether chilli-hot or comparatively bland, harmony and contrast are the guiding principles behind each dish. Thai cuisine is essentially a marriage of centuries-old Eastern and Western influences harmoniously combined into something uniquely Thai. Characteristics of Thai food depend on who cooks it, for whom it is cooked, for what occasion, and where it is cooked. Dishes can be refined and adjusted to suit all tastes.

The 'Tai' people migrated from valley settlements in the mountainous region of Southwest China (now Yunnan province) between the sixth and thirteenth centuries, into what is now known as Thailand, Laos, the Shan States of upper Burma, and northwest Vietnam. Influenced by Chinese cooking techniques, Thai cuisine flourished with the rich biodiversity of the Thai peninsula. As a result, Thai dishes today have some similarities to Szechwan Chinese dishes.

Originally, Thai cooking reflected the characteristics of a waterborne lifestyle. Aquatic animals, plant and herbs were major ingredients. Subsequent influences introduced the use of sizeable chunks to Thai cooking. With their Buddhist background, Thais shunned the use of large animals in big chunks. Big cuts of meat were shredded and blended with herbs and spices. Traditional Thai cooking methods were stewing and baking, or grilling. Chinese influences saw the introduction of frying, stir-frying and deep-frying. Culinary influences from the 17th century onwards included Portuguese, Dutch, French and Japanese techniques. Chillies were introduced to Thai cooking during the late 1600s by Portuguese missionaries who had acquired a taste for them while serving in South America. Thais were very adapt at adapting foreign cooking methods, and substituting ingredients. The ghee used in Indian cooking was replaced by coconut oil, and coconut milk substituted for other dairy products.

Overpowering pure spices were toned down and enhanced by fresh herbs such as lemon grass and galanga. Eventually, fewer and less spices were used in Thai curries, while the use of fresh herbs increased. It is generally acknowledged that Thai curries burn intensely, but briefly, whereas other curries, with strong spices, burn for longer periods. Instead of serving dishes in courses, a Thai meal is served all at once, permitting diners to enjoy complementory combinations of different tastes.

A proper Thai meal should consist of a soup, a curry dish with condiments, a dip with accompanying fish and vegetables. A spiced salad may replace the curry dish. The soup can also be spicy, but the curry should be replaced by a non-spiced item. There must be harmony of tastes and textures within individual dishes and the entire meal.

by Andrew Hall

Wild Oregano Oil – Nature’s Miracle Herb

Since the beginning of time, mankind has looked for substances to treat a wide range of health problems, rather than treating individual symptoms or conditions. Natural compounds may offer the best hope, as they have the potential for multiple uses. Research has shown that spice extracts offer a wide range of curative properties. They are powerful germicides, capable of killing a wide range of germs, as well as potent antioxidants. One of the most potent of these is wild oregano.

Few people realize that wild oregano has been relied upon as a therapeutic herb since antiquity. About 3000 B.C. the Babylonians described it as a cure for lung and cardiac disease. They also used it for wound healing and venomous bites. The ancient Greeks used wild oregano for healing wounds, destroying infections and reversing lung and cardiac disorders.

In the book, Salmon’s Herbal, written in the 1600’s, oregano oil is highly valued and recommended for chest, menstrual, uterine, lung and digestive complaints. Specific uses mentioned include: diarrhea, asthma, colds, infections of the female sexual organs and uterine tumors. Additionally, its value against liver disorders is emphasized.

In Garden of Health (1633), William Langham described an even wider range of uses including such diverse conditions as bladder trouble, bleeding, heart failure, head pain, itchy skin, mouth pain, spots on the skin, stomachache, intestinal worms and toothache. Oregano oil has always been relied upon as an emergency medicine.

Oregano oil is well known in the Mediterranean world (Greece and Crete) for its ability to slow down food spoilage because of its antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and antioxidant abilities. The related herbs of thyme and marjoram sold in most North American supermarkets, are labeled incorrectly as oregano and possess little of the wild oregano’s healing properties.

Oil of Oregano is a completely natural substance derived from the wild oregano species. The plant grows in remote mountainous regions free of pollution. Only the leaves of the flowering plant are used. They are picked precisely when the plant is highest in essential oil. Being wild, it is grown chemical-free and the oil is extracted via a completely natural process – no chemicals or solvents are used. The oil is the source of virtually all of the plant’s active ingredients.

The benefit of oregano has gone largely unnoticed. In addition to fighting various fungi, oil of oregano is useful against bacteria and parasites. It can be used to treat internal and external fungi including athlete’s foot. Skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema can be improved. Oil of oregano outright destroys all variety of fungi and yeasts, regardless of where they reside. In the case of parasites, oil of oregano has had success in neutralizing worms, amoeba, and protozoan. Oil of oregano’s antiseptic powers are immense – it inhibits the growth of the majority of bacteria, something that prescription antibiotics fail to accomplish.

Wild, crude, mountain-grown oregano (from the Mediterranean) is the only kind that is naturally rich in ‘carvacrols, flavonoids, and terpenes’, which give the oregano its tremendous strength. Carvacrol is a natural phenol that contains powerful anti-microbial activity. Flavonoids provide natural antiseptic properties and Terpenes are natural anti-inflammatory agents.

Oil of Oregano effectively treats: acne, allergies, arthritis, asthma, athlete’s foot, candida, constipation, croup, dandruff, diarrhea, digestive disturbances, insect bites, bronchitis, canker sores, colds, flu, earaches, fatigue, gum disease, headaches, menstrual irregularities, muscle pain, parasites, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, psoriasis, toenail problems, seborrhea, ringworm, rosacea, sinusitis, varicose veins and warts.

Oil of Oregano is also a powerful painkiller. An article published in Phytotherapy Research describes how oregano oil superceded anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation and is nearly as powerful as morphine as a painkiller.

Because wild oregano is an edible spice, it is acceptable for human ingestion. However, the type of oregano used if very important. North American Herb and Spice was the first company of the American market to introduce edible Oil of Oregano. To be edible, this essential oil must be made only from wild, mountain-grown, Mediterranean oregano, free of all chemicals and pesticides. It also has to be emulsified in a carrier oil such as extra virgin olive oil, which is used by North American Herb & Spice in its oil of oregano. The oregano they use is 100% Mediterranean oregano and is produced by old-fashioned cold pressing and steam distillation, using no chemicals to extract it.

Oil of Oregano is available in liquid and capsule form. Oil of Oreganol is highly concentrated, so when using it internally, start with small amounts, like one to two drops twice daily in juice. Take one drop twice per day working your way up to one drop four times per day. Mix with one teaspoon of honey, maple syrup, or olive oil to improve palatability. Take for a period of 15 days and then stop for 15 days. Repeat the process.

Oil of Oregano may also be applied topically to treat itches, infections of the skin, gum, teeth or just about any orifice of the body. Exercise care if you use it in the genital region where it is best mixed with olive oil or coconut oil before application. (1 drop per teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil/butter).

Gelcaps provide the beneficial aspects of Wild Oregano Oil without using a dropper or having an after-taste. Great for people needing the benefits of Wild Oregano Oil in digestive, intestinal and other internal problems related to infection. Each Oreganol gelcap contains 140 mg. of Wild Oregano, equal to 6 drops of Oregano Oil from a dropper.

North American Herb & Spice Oreganol Oil and Gelcaps can be found in most health food stores across North America. They also offer their products online and can be found using the keywords: North American Herb & Spice; Oil of Oregano; Oregano Oil; and Oreganol.

If you are suffering from colds, flu, bronchitis, viral infections, athlete’s foot, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, headaches, menstrual irregularities or experience any of the ailments mentioned above, oil of oregano may be the miracle cure you have been searching for.

by Kathy Browning

Coconut Oil Increases Beneficial Properties in Human Breast Milk


The unique composition of human breast milk fat includes the fatty acids, lauric acid and capric acid, which have potent antimicrobial properties. These fatty acids offer the nursing infant protection from viruses such as herpes and HIV, protozoa such as giardia lamblia, and bacteria such as chlamydia and heliocobater.

A study published in 1998 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that lactating mothers who eat coconut oil and other coconut products, have significantly increased levels of lauric acid and capric acid in their breast milk. Thus, the milk supply has increased amounts of the protective antimicrobials , which will give even greater protection to the nursing infant.

Pregnant females store fat to assure successful lactation. Any lauric acid and capric acid in the diet becomes part of the adipose stores. The milk fat of a lactating mother is made up of these stores as well as her current diet. If her diet doesn't contain lauric acid, then generally her milk fat will contain around 3% lauric acid and round 1% capric acid.

When a lactating woman adds foods rich in lauric acid to her diet, the amount of lauric acid available in her breastmilk increases substantially to levels three times the original level and nearly double the amount of capric acid. In countries where coconut oil is a diet staple, levels of lauric acid in the mother’s milk can be as high as 21% and capric acid can be as high as 6% giving her infant even more protection against viruses, bacteria, and protozoa.

Coconut oil can be used instead of butter in cooking and baking. You can stir it into oatmeal or even use it as a spread. Also, this oil's antimicrobial properties are beneficial for the skin. Pregnant women in many cultures the world over rub cocnut oil on their expanding bellies to keep skin soft and prevent itching.


Fife, Bruce. The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil

Francois CA, Connor SL, Wander RC, Connor WE. Acute effects of dietary fatty acids on the fatty acids of human milk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998;67:301-308.

Bach, A.C., et. al. 1989. Clinical and experimental effects of medium chain triglyceride based fat emulsions-a review. Clin. Nutr. 8:223

by Cori Young

How Music Can Help You Burn More Fat

Browsing one of the Russian websites I have recently found a
little article claiming that music can affect our health both
improving and worsening it. That sounded very interesting and I
decided to research how can music actually affect our well-being.

What I found has blown my mind and I want to share the results
with you.

Scientists all over the world agreed that music influences
hormone production that are directly connected with our
emotions. If you think about it you are influenced by music all
the time. Think of your last time you've watched a horror movie.
Remember how music actually made your heart race faster. Music
physicians in Japan and China help patients form their own music
aid kits, where you can find CDs with the names like "Liver",
"Lungs", "Migraine" or "Metabolism".

Now let me tell you about my most valuable discovery. Music can
not only improve your overall health, it can also help you lose
weight! Eating dinner while listening to Mozart helps to improve
your metabolism and food digestion. When you eat while listening
to the pop or rock music you automatically start eating faster.
As a result you swallow bigger pieces making it harder for your
stomach to digest the food.

Which inevitably leads to extra pounds. "When we listen to
classical music, subconsciously you get an image of luxury,
wealth and sophistication", explains this phenomenon psychology
Dr. Adrian Nort. It improves our mood, and makes us take our
time and eat slowly enjoying food.

Exercising while listening to the classical music help you lose
weight a lot faster than listening to loud fitness pop music. Why?
Maybe because during the experiment a first group of people
listening to Vivaldi music worked out on a stationary bike a half
an hour longer than the group who was listening to the pop

Even if you are not a big fan of classical music I urge you to try
it! What do you have to lose except for the ugly looking cellulite,
extra body fat, and bad eating habits?

by Arina Nikitina

Successful Weight Loss After Pregnancy

How fast you lose weight will depend on a number of factors, including the amount of weight you gained during your pregnancy.

Most women will lose anywhere from 10-14 pounds within the first 2 weeks of delivery. This weight may be attributed primarily to the loss of excess fluid in the body, the baby's weight, the placenta and amniotic fluid. Some women might lose a little bit less, and others might lose a little bit more.

As the uterus shrinks back down to its normal size and your hormone levels continue to fall, you will lose weight. Most women gain at least 7 pounds of fat during pregnancy. This fat is meant to help women store energy while breastfeeding. How fast this weight comes off will depend on a number of factors including: genetics, your overall health, diet and exercise.

You should expect that it will take a little bit of time to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy. It did after all take you nine months to put that weight on! Many women have successfully lost weight however, in just a few short months after a delivery.

Some women will hang on to the last few pounds they have to lose until they stop breastfeeding. Your body may want to cling to a few extra pounds to ensure you have enough energy to provide adequate milk for the baby. Every woman's experience is unique with respect to this.

The good news is that with a solid nutritional program and with moderate exercise, you can expect to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy within a reasonable time frame.

Most women will be back to their pre pregnancy weight within nine months of delivering IF they follow a regular exercise program and eat healthily after delivery. That said some women will lose their pregnancy weight in as little as six to twelve weeks!

by Beverley Brooke

The Pros and Cons of Fad Dieting

It is very tempting to try that fad diet that you have found
in the latest magazine that promises the world with
fantastic fat losses without doing a thing. Just take
a couple of fat burning pills follow the diet and then
bang! A brand new you in a couple of weeks.

The sad fact is they do not work, they just provide more
suffering in your efforts to lose weight, the only thing
you lose is your hard earned money.

Firstly we will look at the latest fad diets on the scene at
the moment, their pros and cons and then you will be shown
how to save your time, money and unnecessary suffering by
pointing you in the right direction for permanent weight

The latest studies show that 90 per cent of fad dieters
regained everything they had lost and even gained more
within eighteen months.

The Atkins Diet.

The body burns carbohydrates and then fat for energy.
This diet recommends limiting the intake of starchy,
high carb foods so that the fat is burned first. So by
eating meat, cheese and eggs and keeping bread and potatoes
to a minimum, fat is lost.

Pros: Steak with cheese topping, Chocolate mocha ice cream
and pork scratchings.

Cons: Studies show high protein diets lead to increased risk
of heart disease, colon cancer, bad breath (halitosis) and
constipation. Consuming more carbohydrate that can
be used by the body will store this excess in fat cells.

The Zone Diet.

This diet claims to decrease hunger and boost energy by
keeping your bodies eating habits in the zone or at its peak.
This is done by keeping all your meals and snacks in the ratio
of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, 30% fats.

Pros: Being a low calorie diet, you can't help but lose weight.

Cons: Very difficult to adhere to the strict regime the diet
requires. Will experience metabolism slow down because of low
calories and will lead to starvation response which will eat
away at the muscle tissue while retaining the fat.

The Blood Group Diet.

By having a blood test and determining your blood group, this
then tells you how you can absorb nutrients, thus you can plan
your diet accordingly. Different blood groups can eat different
food groups.

Pros: Another calorie restricting diet so weight will be lost.

Cons: There appears to be little clinical and scientific evidence
behind this diet and by the elimination of whole food groups important
nutritional deficiencies are likely with long term health problems

The Ashram Diet.

This diet is basically a very low calorie diet (near starvation)
which is coupled with a very high intensity exercise regime.
A sample of this diet would include: One boiled egg for
breakfast, a green salad for lunch and a baked potato with
salsa for dinner.

Pros: A very quick weight loss, 10 - 15 lbs in a week (Mostly
muscle tissue and water).

Cons: Fast weight loss leads to many unpleasant side effects
such as bad breath, bone loss, constipation, deprivation of nutrients
(vitamins and minerals), muscle loss, metabolism slow down, headaches
and poor sleep. Who would want all these problems for the sake of
quick weight loss where the weight will eventually be put back on and more in a
couple of months?

The Hay Diet.

The main rule to follow for this diet is to not eat protein and
carbohydrates together. Combination of these two foods together
appears to prevent protein from being digested in the gut and
can lead to an accumulation of toxins. Vegetables and fruit
form the bulk of the diet with very small portions of protein
and carbs.

Pros: Plenty of fruit and veggies in the diet means plenty of
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Cons: There doesn't appear to be too much scientific evidence
about food combinations and by limiting yourself to certain food
groups you will miss out on important nutrients.

All these diets work because of a drastic cut in calories, when
this happens our metabolic rate can be brought down in a matter
of 36 hours by as much as 50% which means your body is now burning
only half of your calories. To compound matters further, hunger
kicks in after a period of inadequate eating setting you up for
over eating and binging.

Everyone is an individual so you have to be careful of diets that require
you to set out what types of foods and quantities you have to eat
at every meal. Just because a movie star lost weight on a fad diet
doesn't mean that you will. Before starting a weight loss program
take into account your age, fitness levels, activity levels and
medical history.

A real weight loss program includes all the food groups, strength
training, low level aerobics, a slight decrease in your daily
calorie levels and a program that can be followed for life.

by Gary Matthews

Monday, March 14, 2005

Get Radiant Skin Fast

Winter is a tough experience for any skin type. Even if you have an oily skin, you may suffer from severe skin dehydration due to prolonged exposure to central air heating, contrasting temperatures, and harsh winds. People with acne can hardly balance the act, torn between the need to calm down those nasty pimples with alcohol-based toners and pimple-drying masks and desperate need to slap on that comfy moisturizer. And those with sensitive skin suffer most of all.

No matter what skin type you have in warmer seasons, winter skin care is all about care . This means putting aside those oil-stripping toners, mattifying gels, face washes with scrubbing particles and face powder. In winter, you have to be mindful and adapt your skin care regimen accordingly.

First of all, in winter your skin needs moisture to keep it supple and healthy. Humectants (to attract and retain moisture) and emollients (for a smoothing and softening effect) are essential, the more the better. That doesn’t mean you have to slick your face in Vaselin. Fortunately, there are smarter solutions.

Gentle cleansing comes first. Stay away from bar soaps, especially antibacterial ones, which not only dry your skin, but in fact help creating new forms of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Now it's time to try Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser, if you haven’t already. With mildest possibly ingredients it can be used either with water or a cotton ball. We loved the way Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser glides on skin, removing even long-lasting mascara. And it washed the sebum clogging our pores (no black dots!), leaving zero residue, so our skin looked calm and flawless, ready to absorb the moisturizer.

Toning is essential in winter. Using a proper toner is more important than most people think. A toner is used to remove the remains of the cleanser. Toners are usually acidic or lower on the PH range. Toner’s also a mild cleanser too, and it can soften your skin and even leave some vitamins. Always tone after cleansing and before moisturizing. For best results, try a toner with less chemical additions to it, such as Fresh Rose Marigold Tonic Water or Facial Toner by Dr.Hauschka.

Treat yourself to a moisturizing mask once a week or after a prolonged exposure to frosty winter bites. Honey Comfort Mask by L’Occitane contains pure honey that gently softens and hydrates the sensitive skin. Caudalie Revitalizing Moisture Grape-Seed Cream Mask is also a nice option. Fresh’s Sugar Face Polish To Go does double duty polishing the skin with brown sugar and exfoliating with strawberries.

Exfoliate your face skin with gentle non-abrasive exfoliators such as Gel Exfoliant Intensive by G.M.Collin. This particle-free citrusy gel is indeed very gentle to skin. Gel Exfoliant Intensive uses enzymatic action of grapefruit and lemon peel oils plus lactic acid and juniper to eliminate dead skin cells when dries on skin and then peeled or rolled by fingertips. Similar (yet less effective) option: Yonka Gommage 305 for Dry or Sensitive Skin.

To dry acne pimples, use tea tree oil and avoid benzoyl peroxide products until spring, they are way too drying. Mix in a drop of essential tea tree oil in a bowl of hot water for a clarifying face steam bath. You may also add diluted tea tree to your favorite toner or a moisturizer for their extra benefits.

Body skin is also undergoes a serious beating by winter. It is dehydrated from static electricity, air heating and chilly winds. Plus, clothing also steals moisture from the skin. To beat the flaky itchy skin start with gentle full body scrubbing with Buffy the Backside Slayer Body Buffer by LUSH. It sloughs dead skin cells and improves the blood circulation with ground almonds, rice and azuke beans mixed in a bar of moisturizing shea and cocoa butters. Such a treat.

Develop a routine for daily complete body moisturizing with a rich body crème such as Dream Cream by LUSH. We absolutely love the scent and the fact that we actually slather on stuff good enough for a decent eye cream: oats, rose essential water, lavender, chamomile and olive oil. Little secret: we even put this herbal-scented lotion to our face, which is irritated and red due to recent freezing rain and chilly winds.

So what are you waiting for? Spring (and Valentine’s Day) is just around the corner, so get ready to shed your clothes and reveal the beautiful skin underneath.

by Julia Gabriel

How You Can Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight

When I decided to lose weight I of course decided to do as much planning as possible. It seems the older I get the harder it is to do anything without completely planning it out. Anyways, I had already been on the all protein diets and knew that they worked. The only problem was I could never stick to them for very long.

So I decided to research the net a little more and see if I could find some other program that I had not yet heard about. I noticed something kind of strange, the more I looked around at different weight loss articles.

The two types of people that seemed to be claiming their way of eating was the best, were either vegans or the no carbohydrate eaters. This made sense to me. I mean, I know people who have lost lots of weight eating no carbohydrates. And if you know anyone who is a vegan, you know that they are generally very slim.

So I researched some more and came across some articles on food combining. These people claimed that you can eat whatever you want as long as you combine it properly. You can eat pasta as long as you only eat it with vegetables. Or, you can eat meat as long as you only eat it with vegetables.

This made sense because either way you are going to be eating a lot of vegetables, which nobody would argue, is a good thing. So I started my modified protein vegan style diet.

I went almost a month eating meat and veggies, when my weight loss seemed to plateau. So after that I decided to try a pasta diet, properly combined, for a while. And guess what, I lost some more weight the week I ate the carbohydrates.

A little over a month and I had lost 30 pounds and have kept it off for nine months now. So my question is this.

Do you think the vegans have the answer? Maybe,

Do you think the protein lovers have the answer? Maybe,

Do you think the food combining theory carries some weight?

I would say so. I would say it carries about 30 pounds of weight.

by Jason Barger
Article source: Ezine

Sunday, March 13, 2005

How You Can Lower Your Cholesterol Level

You have already known that high blood cholesterol is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD), the higher the cholesterol level, the greater the CHD risk So, how to lower your blood cholesterol or how to keep it low? Here are steps you can follow:

  • Follow a low saturated fat, low-cholesterol diet
  • Be more physically active
  • Lose weight if you are overweight

For more information about keeping your blood cholesterol low or make it lower:

  • The Heart Helthy Lifestyle Changes section will help you keep your blood cholesterol and chance for developing heart disease low. You will learn about the Heart Healthy Diet and being more physically active.
  • The Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) section will help you lower a blood cholesterol that is too high and reduce your chance of developing heart disease by following a low saturated fat, low cholesterol diet (TLC Diet) and how to be more physically active.
  • For some people it is necessary to combine Cholesterol Lowering Medications with changes in life habits to get enough of a reduction in cholesterol. Your doctor can help to decide which combination of cholesterol-lowering activities is right for you. This section outlines the medications that are available.

National Health, Lung and Blood Institute

Will You Have a Heart Attack in the Next 10 Years?

Try to find out your chance of having a heart attack in the next 10 years with Risk Assessment tool from the Framingham Heart Study. Note that the tool is only for adults aged 20 or above and do not have heart disease or diabetes.

Click here to start your test.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Measuring Your Blood Cholesterol

Everyone age 20 and older should have their blood cholesterol measured at least once every 5 years. It is best to have a blood test called a "lipoprotein profile" to find out your cholesterol numbers. This blood test is done after a 9-12 hour fast and gives information about your:

If it is not possible to have a lipoprotein profile done, knowing your total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol can give you a general idea about your cholesterol levels. If your total cholesterol is 200 mg/dL or more, or if your HDL is less than 40 mg/dL, you will need to have a fasting lipoprotein profile done.

If you do not know your LDL level, you should have it measured. If it does not need specific treatment, you can still take the following steps to keep your cholesterol low and reduce your risk for heart disease:

  • Follow a diet lower in saturated fat and cholesterol
    (Heart Healthy Diet for Americans)
  • Be physically active
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Not smoke.

NOTE: Your LDL will guide you and your doctor in setting your specific treatment plan.

National Health, Lung and Blood Institute


Triglycerides are a form of fat carried through the bloodstream. Most of your body's fat is in the form of triglycerides stored in fat tissue. Only a small portion of your triglycerides is found in the bloodstream. High blood triglyceride levels alone do not necessarily cause atherosclerosis (the buildup of cholesterol and fat in the walls of arteries). But some lipoproteins that are rich in triglycerides also contain cholesterol, which causes atherosclerosis in some people with high triglycerides, and high triglycerides are often accompanied by other factors (such as low HDL or a tendency toward diabetes) that raise heart disease risk. So high triglycerides may be a sign of a lipoprotein problem that contributes to heart disease.

Triglyceride Levels


Less than 150 mg/dL


150-199 mg/dL


200-499 mg/dL

Very High

500 mg/dL or above

National Health, Lung and Blood Instiute

What Does Cholesterol Have to Do with Heart Disease?

The Framingham Heart Study established that high blood cholesterol is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD). Results of the Framingham study showed that the higher the cholesterol level, the greater the CHD risk. On the other end of the spectrum, CHD is uncommon at total cholesterol levels below 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). A direct link between high blood cholesterol and CHD has been confirmed by the Lipid Research Clinics-Coronary Primary Prevention Trial (1984) which showed that lowering total and LDL ("bad") cholesterol levels significantly reduces CHD. A series of more recent trials of cholesterol lowering using statin drugs have demonstrated conclusively that lowering total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol reduces the chance of having a heart attack, needing bypass surgery or angioplasty, and dying of CHD-related causes.

Click on any of the links below for more specific information.
In addition to high cholesterol, there are other risk factors that can increase your chance of developing heart disease. To learn more about risk factors, click below.

National Health, Lung and Blood Institute

Risk Factors and Heart Disease

Risk factors are conditions that increase your risk for developing heart disease. Some risk factors can be changed and others cannot. In general, the more risk factors you have, the greater your chance of developing heart disease. Fortunately, there are things you can do to address most of the risk factors for heart disease.

The risk factors that you cannot control include:

  • Age (45 years or older for men; 55 years or older for women)
  • Family history of early heart disease (father or brother affected before age 55; mother or sister affected before age 65)

The known risk factors for heart disease that you can do something about include:

  • High blood cholesterol (high total cholesterol) and high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol
  • Low HDL (“good”) cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes -- if you have diabetes, your risk for developing heart disease is high, as high as a heart disease patient's risk for having a heart attack. You will need to lower your cholesterol under medical supervision, in much the same way as a heart disease patient, in order to reduce your high risk of getting heart disease.
  • Obesity/overweight
  • Physical inactivity
If you have not had your cholesterol level checked, talk to your doctor about getting it checked.

National Health, Lung and Blood Institute