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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

How Music Can Help You Burn More Fat

Browsing one of the Russian websites I have recently found a
little article claiming that music can affect our health both
improving and worsening it. That sounded very interesting and I
decided to research how can music actually affect our well-being.

What I found has blown my mind and I want to share the results
with you.

Scientists all over the world agreed that music influences
hormone production that are directly connected with our
emotions. If you think about it you are influenced by music all
the time. Think of your last time you've watched a horror movie.
Remember how music actually made your heart race faster. Music
physicians in Japan and China help patients form their own music
aid kits, where you can find CDs with the names like "Liver",
"Lungs", "Migraine" or "Metabolism".

Now let me tell you about my most valuable discovery. Music can
not only improve your overall health, it can also help you lose
weight! Eating dinner while listening to Mozart helps to improve
your metabolism and food digestion. When you eat while listening
to the pop or rock music you automatically start eating faster.
As a result you swallow bigger pieces making it harder for your
stomach to digest the food.

Which inevitably leads to extra pounds. "When we listen to
classical music, subconsciously you get an image of luxury,
wealth and sophistication", explains this phenomenon psychology
Dr. Adrian Nort. It improves our mood, and makes us take our
time and eat slowly enjoying food.

Exercising while listening to the classical music help you lose
weight a lot faster than listening to loud fitness pop music. Why?
Maybe because during the experiment a first group of people
listening to Vivaldi music worked out on a stationary bike a half
an hour longer than the group who was listening to the pop

Even if you are not a big fan of classical music I urge you to try
it! What do you have to lose except for the ugly looking cellulite,
extra body fat, and bad eating habits?

by Arina Nikitina


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