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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Why Most of Women Don't Exercise

We always know that doing regular exercise is playing important role to gain a healthy life. But study shows that many women do not exercise regularly and the reasons why women don't exercise are lack of time, energy and support!
The survey of 120 women ages 35 to 60 found that 59 percent felt that family commitments often kept them from exercising, while nearly as many said they were “just too lazy” to exercise. Still, half of the women thought that if they had more encouragement to make lifestyle changes, they might be able to do it.
After reading this news, a conclusion comes to my mind that women like to be motivated to do things or they like things involve some social interaction.

So, the best way to exercise regularly, women have to do it with friends or joining workout class to keep them motivated. How do you think?


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