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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

L-tyrosine And Your Health

L-tyrosine is a protein that the body produces from phenylamine, thus making it a non-essential amino acid. L-tyrosine is available from natural foo sources including: - cottage cheese - yogurt - cheese - milk - bananas - lima beans - turkey - peanuts - avocados - almonds - pumpkin seeds - sesame seeds

L-Tyrosine supplementation is especially needed among hard training athletes and obese or those significantly overweight.

Low levels of l-tyrosine have bee associated with low body temperature, low blood pressure, underactive thyroid, and depression.

L-tyrosine has many important roles in the body. Bodybuilders favor it because l-tyrosine helps alleviate stress and fatigue that comes from intense training, retain muscular protein, and increase energy levels. L-tyrosine helps with stamina enameling athletes to workout for longer periods of time.

L-tyrosine also has been useful for a treatment for cocaine abuse and withdraw. Some using l-tyrosine have also said that it helps with withdraw from caffeine and nicotine.

Those who suffer from phenylketonuria use l-tyrosine supplementation as a treatment. Health care providers are able to determine if your need a tyrosine enriched diet and how much would be required.

Regarding l-tyrosine supplementation in those who are depressed more studies are needed in order to come to a conclusion if l-tyrosine can benefit those who suffer from depression.

People with kidney problems should not take l-tyrosine. Daily use is also not recommended. L-tyrosine should only be taken as needed and under the supervision on a health care provider.

by Josie Anderson


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