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Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Truth OnTaking An Aspirin A Day To Prevent Heart Attacks

We've all heard the theory about taking an aspirin a day to keep heart attacks away. Can a little pill that you find on the shelf of every pharmacy or grocery store, taken once a day, really protect you from heart attacks or stroke?

One particular report, published in a British Medical Journal, would like you to believe that. Their report stated that aspirin therapy should be used in cases where patients are at a high risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack or stroke. Ideally we do not want to get to the point where we're considered high risk.

How Does Aspirin Supposedly Reduce The Risks Of Heart Attack?

Simply put, aspirin will dilate your arteries creating more room within the arteries for your blood to flow. That is medical science's recommendation when you are at a high risk of heart attack or stroke. Dilate arteries and all will be well.

Is It Really That Simple?

Of course I jest, as they do offer more recommendations such as prescription heart medicine, angioplasty or bypass surgery. Anyhow, getting back on topic, aspirin also inhibits the blood clotting process crucial to controlling bleeding. Without this process working, the result can be uncontrollable bleeding that can cause you to bleed to death if you were cut and couldn't get medical attention quickly enough.

Did you know that if you are scheduled for surgery of any kind, the surgeon will not perform the operation if you have been taking aspirins? You would have to stop taking the aspirin and wait until its out of your system before they would operate.

That tells me that dilating the arteries may not be the way to go. What do you think? Personally, I don't think it's worth the risk to take the "aspirin a day" especially since there is a better, more effective way.

In addition, what happens as the plaque in your arteries keeps building up and continues to narrow the openings within your arteries and finally becoming completely blocked/closed. Will the aspirin prevent a heart attack or stroke if the arteries become blocked? You bet it won't.

The Natural Way To Solve The Problem Without The Risk

If the medical profession spent more time and effort on preventing the problem in the first place there would be less people struggling with heart disease. Instead they find ways of treating the symptoms with the use of drugs after the damage has been done.

By using the right nutritional plan, which includes specific vitamins and minerals, the body will not only heal itself, but will prevent any arterial plaque build-up while dissolving any existing plaque that may be in your arteries already.

Staying healthy is easier than you think. Don't eat foods that contain hydrogenated fats (also known as Trans-Fats) as these are manufactured fats. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, doctors warn against eating trans fats because studies show that trans fats raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and put people at risk of heart attacks. Don't be afraid of fats however, as long as they are "good fats."

Take in more protein and Omega-3/Omega-6 fatty acids as these fats are extremely helpful in protecting against sudden heart attack or stroke. In addition, keep an eye on your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and get them down if too high, while raising your HDL (good) cholesterol.

Supplement your healthy eating with the right combination of vitamins, minerals, and glandular concentrates that will "scrub" your arteries clean of deadly plaque. Make sure you get some exercise in there as well. Good health is all about good nutrition... not about drugs or surgery.

by Jay Villaverde


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