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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

How To Choose Which Hair Loss Remedy Is Right For You

Hair loss is not always treatable. Before going any farther, understand that there is no magical cure for hair loss. Here are some ways that it can be stopped or slowed, but nothing is a guarantee.

Your primary need is to see a doctor to talk about your hair loss. Through a medical exam and speaking with you regarding your hair loss, your eating habits, and your wellbeing, a doctor can determine if your hair loss is treatable, and more importantly, what causes it.

If your hair loss is due to medication, your medication can often be changed to something that will not cause hair loss.

If your hair loss is due to illnesses, the doctor may advise you that once treatments for the disease are over, hair loss will also stop. Hair normally returns to its normal self.

If your hair loss seems to be due to a bad diet or improper care of the hair, you may need to simply change these situations.

Illness can cause hair loss including those treated with chemotherapy, infections, thyroid disease, or major surgery. Once the illness or treatment is gone, hair loss will return to normal.

Male pattern baldness is usually a cause for hair loss in men. While there are some ways to slow or possibly prevent it, it is hereditary and often can not be stopped. Rogaine is a medicine that is applied to the scalp of men and women who are experiencing hair loss. Another medication is called Propecia which is only used in men. It may take these medications up to 6 months to show signs of progress. And, then, it is still no guarantee.

Again, the most important factor when you are facing hair loss is to speak to your doctor. Before trying products on your own, you need to know just what is causing your hair loss. If it is a symptom of a disease or illness or a reaction to a medication, perhaps you can find an alternative. Trying medications for male or female pattern baldness may work, but consulting a doctor prior to use is important as well.

by John Howard


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