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Monday, February 21, 2005

Visit a Beauty Counter!!

Have you ever visited a beauty counters for reasons? Yes, right! Beauty counters are the best place to learn beauty 'how-to'. You can ask about your skin care problem, make-up 'how-to' and tips, test their samples, etc. And surely, it is FREE!

Here's what you can do when visiting beauty counters to benefit your beauty side:
1. Ask, ask, and ask!!
You can ask for everything because there are no limits on how long you would like to hang around a counter.
Consult with beauty consultant at beauty counters about your skin problems and get ideas and solutions how to fix them!
2. Ask for free samples!
You don't have to purchase if you don't want to. Consulting your skin problems doesn't mean that you have to make a purchase on their products. If you want to use their products, the best way is TRY it first! Yes... don't be shy to ask for samples. Just imagine, if you had bought it with big bucks, but doesn't suit your skin. Free samples doesn't cost you a dime. You can see the result on your skin before deciding to buy.
3. Learn make-up 'how-to'
When you plan to visit a beauty counter, don't need to apply make-up, because you can get it at the beauty counter! Yes... and you will learn how to apply make-up correctly and how to choose the most suitable color for your skin. Test everything until you find the perfect color. But don't forget to be hygiene. For example: if you want to test lipstick, make sure you wipe off the top layer with a tissue to ensure its hygiene!

So, go to the beauty counter, have fun and learn!!


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